Raised Beds

Raised beds are a great way to get into gardening for the first time, or back into it when bending over to work a bed on the ground is no longer an option. Folks find the benefits of starting with good soil, natural rabbit deterrence, and optional hail protection easily justify the high up-front cost and discover their passion for gardening grows with raised beds.

Standard 4-foot dimensions (4’x4’, 4’x8’, and 4’x12’) offer adaptability in arrangement to fit your space.

Each bed is carefully handcrafted using high quality, long-lasting materials to create a sturdy structure for growing only the finest vegetables

installation & Fill

We’re pleased to offer installation and fill of your new raised bed. Our installation and filling service ensures your bed gets installed level and filled half with hugelkultur (for long term fertility) and topped with well amended soil.

Raised beds can be installed on their own, simply schedule an estimate to start the process!  If you schedule a landscape consultation with us, be sure to speak with our Landscape Designer about ideal locations for a raised bed in your space!