Gopher Mitigation

Pocket gophers are responsible for a staggering amount of plant loss, contamination of landscape materials, and creating hazardous trip/fall conditions with their shallow tunnels. Gophers are most often evidenced by mounds or strips of loose soil.  

Evidence of gopher activity – mounds and strips of loose soil

Traditional approaches to getting rid of these critters include trapping, which can be time consuming and ineffective, or poisoning, which can have unintended negative effects on other creatures like beneficial predators or house pets that find and consume the poisoned gophers. 

In order to help protect our customers plant and landscape investments and keep pets and beneficial predators safe, we’re offering non-toxic gopher and burrowing rodent mitigation using our state of the art PERC RC 412RT from H&M Gopher Control. This machine works by rapidly introducing carbon monoxide into existing gopher tunnels and burrows so the vermin cannot wall off their burrows/tunnels ahead of the threat.  Learn more about how this system works

Multiple treatments, within a few weeks of each other are recommended.  For best results, treatments should be done during warmer months, when ground is thawed and gophers are closer to the surface.  Provided access is open, up to one acre of land can be treated in an hour.


Introductory rate – $150.00 per hour (1 hour minimum)